Con la meta de identificar con criterios objetivos los grupos científicos de la comunidad con una trayectoria destacada, la Junta de Castilla y León, a través de la ORDEN EDU/1006/2014, del 21 de noviembre, regulaba el reconocimiento de las Unidades de Investigación Consolidadas.  A través de esta normativa, se diseñaba un mecanismo  para incrementar la calidad científica y el impacto socioeconómico de la actividad investigadora, dando forma concreta al objetivo específico relacionado con la Ciencia Excelente y el Liderazgo Tecnológico dentro del Programa 2 de la RIS3 de Castilla y León 2014-2020.

El Centro de Láseres Pulsados de la mano de su director Luis Roso consiguió alcanzar este reconocimiento en el 2015, siendo nombrado el grupo como Unidad de Investigación Consolidada –UIC– 167. Esta distinción fue renovada en el 2018.

  • Claps, G.; Cordella, F.; Pacella, D.; Romano, A.; Murtas, F.; Batani, D.; Turianska, O.; Raffestin, D.; Volpe, L.; Zerauli, G.; Perez-Hernandez, J.A. and Malko, S., Soft X-ray measurements with a gas detector coupled to microchips in laser-plasma experiments at VEGA-2, Journal of Instrumentation 15, 02, C02006 (2020)
  • Pasley, J.; Andrianaki, G.; Baroutsos, A.; Batani, D.; Benis, E.P.; Ciardi, A.; Cook, D.; Dimitriou, V.; Dromey, B.; Fitilis, I.; Gatti, G.; Grigoriadis, A.; Huault, M.; Pérez Hernández, J.A.; Kaselouris, E.; Klimo, O.; Koenig, M.; Koundourakis, G.; Kucharik, M.; Limpouch, J.; Liska, R.; Salgado Lopez, C.; Malko, S.; Olmos-Migueláñez, S.; Orphanos, Y.; Ospina, V.; Papadogiannis, N.A.; Petrakis, S.; Psikal, J.; Rivetta, M.S.; Rodríguez-Conde, M.J.; Santos, J.J..; Sinor, M.; Skoulakis, A.; Tazes, I.; Tejada Pascual, L.; Tsitou, C.; Vachal, P.; Volpe, L.; Vyskocil, J.; White, S.; Yeung, M.; Zerouli, G. and Tatarakis, M.; Innovative education and training in high power laser plasmas (PowerLaPs) for plasma physics, high power laser matter interactions and high energy density physics: experimental diagnostics and simulations, High Power Laser Science and Engineering 8 (2020)
  • Kwinten, N.; Máté, L.; De Massimo, M.; Valeria, O.; István, D.; Giancarlo, G.; Christos, K. and Volpe, L., Characterisation, and Modelling of Ultrashort Laser-Driven Electromagnetic Pulses, Sources Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group) 10,1 (2020)
  • Longman, A.; Salgado, C.; Zeraouli, G.; Apiñaniz, J.I.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Khairy Eltahlawy, M.; Volpe, L. and Fedosejevs, R.; Off-axis spiral phase mirrors for generating high-intensity optical vortices, Optics Letters 45, 8, 2187-2190 (2020)
  • Volpe, L., Fedosejevs, R.; Gatti, G.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Méndez, C.; Apiñaniz, J.; Vaisseau, X.; Salgado, C.: Huault, M.; Malko, S.; Zeraouli, G.; Ospina, V.; Longman, A.; de Luis, D.; Li, K.; Varela, O.; García, E.; Hernández, I.; Pisonero, J.D.; García Ajates, J.; Alvarez, J.M.; García, C.; Rico, M.; Arana, D.; Hernández-Toro, J. and Roso, L., Generation of high energy laser-driven electrons and proton sources with the 200 TW system VEGA 2 at the CLPU, High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 7, e25 (2019)
  • Huault, M.; de Luis,D.; Apiñaniz, J.; de Marco, Salgado, C.; Gordillo García, N.; Gutiérrez-Neira, C.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Fedosejevs, R.; Gatti, G.; Roso, L.; Volpe, L.; A 2D scintillator-based proton detector for high repetition rate experiments, High Power Laser Science and Engineering 7 (2019)
  • Huault, M.; Ospina, V.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Alpinaniz, J.; de Luis, D.; Malko, S.; Mendez, C.; Salgado, C.; Vaisseau, X.; Zeraouli, G.; Fedosejevs, R.; Maffini, A.; Passoni, M.; Roso, L.; Gatti, G. and Volpe, L., Laser driven proton at CLPU,
  • Antonelli, L.; Barbato, F.; Mancelli, D.; Trela, J.; Zeraouli, G.; Boutoux, G.; Neumayer, P.; Atzeni, S.; Schiavi, A.; Volpe, L.; Bagnoud, V.; Brabetz, C.; Zielbauer, B.; Bradford, P.; Woolsey, N.; Borm, B and Batani, D., X-ray phase Contrast imaging for Laser-induced shock waves, EuroPhysics Letters EPL 25, 3 (2019)
  • Malko, S.; Vaisseau, X.; Perez, F.; Curcio, A.; Ehret, M.; Santos, J.J.; Batani, D.; Morace, A.; Honrubia, J.; Jakubowska, K. and Volpe, L., Enhanced relativistic electron beam collimation using two consecutive laser pulses, Scientific Reports 9, 14061 (2019)
  • Gallardo González, I.; Ekerfelt, H.; Björklund Svensson, J.; Gatt, G.; Gonoskov, A.; Guenot, D.; Hansson, M.; Marklund, M.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Salgado, C.; Wallin, E.; Zeraouli, G. and Lundh, O., Merging laser wakefields as a rout towards staging acceleration and enhancing of the betatron X-ray emission, Physical Review Letters (submitted 2019)
  • He, C.A.; Longman, A.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A., de Marco, M.; Salgado, C.; Zeraouli, G.; Gatti, G.; Roso, L.; Fedosejevs, R. and Hill III, W.T., Towards an in situ, a full-power gauge of the focal-volume intensity of petawatt-class lasers, Optics Express 27, 21 (2019)
  • Curcio, A., and Volpe, L., A quasi-static model for hot-electron interaction with self-generated magnetic fields, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Vol. 61, 5, 55013 (2019)
  • Zeraouli, G.; Gatti, G.; Longman, A.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Arana, D.; Batani, D.; Jakubowska, K.; Volpe, L.; Roso, L. and Fedosejevs, R., Development of an adjustable Kirkpatrick-Baez microscope for laser-driven x-ray sources at CLPU, Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 63704 (2019)
  • Barbato, F.; Batani, D.; Mancelli, D.; Trela, J.; Zeraouli, G.; Boutoux, G.; Neumayer, P.; Atzeni, S.; Schiavi, A.; Volpe, L.; Bagnoud, L.; Brabetz, C.; Zielbauer, B.; Bradford, P.; Woolsey, N.; Borm, B. and Antonelli, L., Propagation-based imaging phase-contrast enhanced imaging setup for single-shot acquisition using laser-generated X-ray sources, Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 14, 03, C03005 (2019)
  • Pasley, J.; Andrianaki, G.: Baroutsos, A.; Batani; D.; Benis, E.P.; Borghesi, M.; Clark, E.; Cook, D.; D’Humieres, E.; Dimitriou, V.; Dromey, B.; Ehret, M.; Fitilis, I.; Grigoriadis, A.; Kar, S.; Kaselouris, E.; Klimo, O.; Koenig, M.; Kosma, K.; Koundourakis, G.; Kucharik, M.; Lavery, A.; Limpouch, J.; Orphanos, Y.; Papadogiannis, N.A.; Petrakis, S.; Riley, D.; Rivetta, M.S.; Tejada Pascual, L.; Santos, J.J.; Skoulakis, A.; Tazes, I.; Tikhonchuk, V.; Trela, J.; Tsitou, C.; Volpe, L.; White, S.; Yeung, M. and Tatarakis, M., Innovative Education and Training in high power laser plasmas (PowerLaPs) of plasma physics, high power laser-matter interactions and high energy density physics-theory and experiments, High Power Laser Engineering, Vol. 7, e23 (2019)
  • Amini, K.; Biegert, J.; Calegari, F.; Chacón, A.; Ciappina, M.F.; Dauphin, A.; Efimov, D.K.; Figueira de Morisson, C.; Giergiel, K.; Gniewek, P.; Landsman, A.S.; Lesiuk, M.; Mandrysz, M.; Maxwell, A.S.; Moszyński, R.; Ortmann, L.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Picón, A.; Pisanty, Prauzner-Bechcicki, J.; Sacha, K.; Suárez, N.; Zaïr, A.; Zakrzewski, J. and Lewenstein, M., Symphony on Strong Field Approximation, Reports on Progress in Physics 82, 116001 (2019)
  • A. Curcio and L. Volpe, A quasi-static model for hot-electron interaction with self-generated magnetic fields, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 61 (2019)
  • Antonelli, L.; Barbato, F.; Mancelli, D.; Trela, J.; Zeraouli, G.; Boutoux, G.; Neumayer, P.; Atzeni, S.; Schiavi, A.; Volpe, L.; Bagnoud, V.; Brabetz, C.; Zielbauer, B.; Bradford, P.; Woolsey, N.; Borm, B. and Batani, D., X-ray phase-contrast imaging for laser-induced shock waves, Europhysics Letters 125, 3 (2019)
  • Zeraouli, G.; Longman, A.; Perez, J.A.; Arana, D. Batani, D.; Volpe, L.; Roso, L. and Fedosejevs, R., Development of an adjustable Kirkpatrick-Baez microscope for laser-driven x-ray sources at CLPU, Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 6 (2019)
  • Cristoforetti, G.; Antonelli, L.; Mancelli, M.; Atzeni, S.; Baffigi, F.; Barbato, F.; Batani, D.; Boutoux, G.; D’Amato, F.; Dostal, J.; Dudzak, R.; Filippov, E.; Gu, Y.J.; Juha, L.; Klimo, O.; Krus, M.; Malko, S.; Martynenko, M.S.; Nicolai, Ph.; Ospina, V.; Pikuz, S.; Renner, O.; Santos, J.J.; Tikhonchuk,V.T.; Trela, J.; Viciani, S.; Volpe, L.; Weber, S. and Gizzi, L.A., Time evolution of stimulated Raman scattering and two-plasmon decay at laser intensities relevant for shock ignition in a hot plasma, High Power Laser Science and Engineering 7 (2019)
  • Barbato, F.; Atzeni, S.; Batani, D.; Bleiner, D.; Boutoux, G.; Brabetz, C.; Bradford, P.; Mancelli, D.; Neumayer, P.; Schiavi, A.; Trela, J.; Volpe, L.; Zeraouli, G.; Woolsey, N. and Antonelli, L., Quantitative phase-contrast imaging of a shock-wave with a laser-plasma based X-ray source, Scientific Reports 9, 1 (2019)
  • Roso, L., High repetition rate Petawatt lasers, EPJ Web of Conferences 167, 1001 (2018)
  • Neyra, E.; Videla, F.; Ciappina, M.F.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Roso, L.; Lewenstein, M. and Torchia, G.A, High-order harmonic generation driven by inhomogeneous plasmonics fields spatially bounded: influence on the cut-off law, Journal of Optics 20, 34002 (2018)
  • Seimetz, M.; Bellido, P.; García, P.; Mur, P.; Iborra, A.; Soriano, A.; Hülber, T.; García López, J.; Jiménez-Ramos, M.C.; Lera, R.; Ruiz-de la Cruz; A.; Sánchez, I.; Zaffino, R.; Roso, L. and Benlloch, J.M., Spectral characterization of laser-accelerated protons with CR-39 nuclear track detector, Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 23302 (2018)
  • Neyra, E.; Videla, f.; Ciappina, M.F.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Roso, L. and Torchia, G.A., Synthesis of ultrashort laser pulses for high-order harmonic generation, Physical Review A 98, 13403 (2018)
  • Suárez, N.; Chacón, A.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Biegert, J.; Lewenstein, M. and Ciappina, M.F., High-order-harmonic generation in atomic and molecular systems, Physical Review A 95, 033415 (2017)
  • Huault, M.; Zeraouli, G.; Ajates, J.G.; Apiñaniz, J.; García, E.; Hernández, I.; Malko, S.; Méndez, C.; Perez-Hernandez, J.A.; Pisonero, J.D.; Salgado, C.; Vaisseau, X.; Varela, O.; Gatti, G.; Volpe, L.; Fedosejevs, R.; Longman, A.; Shepherd, R. and Hill, W.T., Commissioning experiments of VEGA-2 at Centro de Láseres Pulsados (CLPU), Frontiers in Optics 4 (2017)
  • Ciappina, M.F.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Landsman, A.S.; Okell, W.A.; Zherebtsov, S.; Förg, B.; Schötz, J.; Seiffert, L.; Fennel, T.; Shaaran, T.; Zimmermann, T.; Chacón, A.; Guichard, Attosecond physics at the nanoscale, Reports on Progress in Physics 80, 054401 (2017)
  • Chacón, A.; Ortmann, L.; Cucchietti, F.; Suárez, N.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Ciappina, M.F.; Landsman, A.S. and Lewenstein, M., Double-electron ionization driven by inhomogeneous fields, Applied Physics B 123, 116 (2017)
  • Osika, E.N.; Chacón, A.; Ortmann, L.; Suarez, N.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Szafran, B.I.; Ciappina, M.F.; Sols, F.; Landsman, A.S. and Lewenstein, M., Wannier-Bloch approach to localization in high-harmonic generation in solids, Physical Review X 7, 21017 (2017)
  • Valle Brozas, F.; Papp, D.; Escudero, L.M.; Roso, L. and Peralta Conde, A., X-ray emission from a liquid curtain jet when irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses, Applied Physics B 123, 190 (2017)
  • Ortmann, L.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Ciappina, M.F.; Schötz, J.; Chacón, A.; Zeraouli, G.; Kling, M.F.; Roso, L.; Lewenstein, M. and Landsman A.S., Emergence of a Higher Energy Structure in Strong Field Ionization with Inhomogeneous Electric Fields, Physical Review Letters 119, 53204 (2017)
  • Valle Brozas, F.; Salgado, C.; Apiñaniz, J.I.; Carpentier, A.V.; Sánchez-Albaneda, M.; Roso, L.; Raposo, C.; Padilla, C. and Peralta-Conde, A., Determination of the species generated in atmospheric-pressure laser-induced plasmas by mass spectrometry techniques, Laser Physics 26, 55602 (2016)
  • Papp, D.; Polanek, R.; Lecz, Z.; Volpe, L.; Peralta, A. and Andreev, A., A proposed 100-kHz fs Laser Plasma Hard X-Ray Source at the ELI-ALPS facility, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science V. 44, Issue 10 (2016)
  • Valle Brozas, F.; Crego, A.; Roso, L. and Peralta, A., Laser-based X-ray and electron source for X-ray fluorescence studies, Applied Physics B 122, 220 (2016)
  • Choi, S.; Ciappina, M.F.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Landsman, A.S.; Kim, Y.J.; Kim, S.C. and Kim D., Active tailoring of nanoantenna plasmonic fields using few-cycle laser pulses, Physical Review A 93, 21405 (2016)
  • Neyra, E.; Videla, F.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Ciappina, M.F.; Roso, L. and Torchia, G.A., Extending the high-order harmonic generation cutoff by means of self-phase-modulated chirped pulses, Laser Physics Letters 13, 115303 (2016)
  • Neyra, E.; Videla, F.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Ciappina, M.F.; Roso, L. and Torchia, G.A, High-order harmonic generation driven by chirped laser pulses induced by linear and non-linear phenomena, The European Physical Journal D 70, 243 (2016)
  • Batani, D.; Morace, A.; Maheut, Y.; Jakubowska, J. and Volpe, L., Diagnostics of laser-produced plasmas, Nukleonika 61 (4), 393-401 (2016)
  • Teichmann, S.M.; Rácz, P.; Ciappina, M.F., Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Thai, A.; Fekete, J.; Elezzabi, A.Y.; Veisz, L.; Biegert, J. and Dombi, P., Strong-field plasmic photoemission in the mid-IR at 1 GW/cm2 intensity, Sci. Rep. 5, 7584 (2015).
  • Vaisseau, X.; Debayle, A.; Honrubia, J.J.; Hulin,S.; Morace, A.; Nicolaï, Ph.; Sawada, H.; Vauzour, B.; Batani, D.; Beg, F.N.; Davies, J.R.; Fedosejevs, R.; Gray, J.R.; Kemp, G.E.; Kerr, S.; Li, K.; Link, A.; McKenna, P.; McLean, H.S.; Mo, H.; Patel, P.K.; Park, J.; Peebles, J.; Rhee, Y.J.; Sorokovikova, A.; Tikhonchuk, V.T.; Volpe, L.; Wei, M. and Santos, J.J., Enhanced relativistic-electron-beam energy loss in warm dense aluminum, Physical Review Letters 114, 9 (2015)
  • Gambarini, G.; Artuso, E.; Giove, D.; Felisi, M.; Volpe, L.; Barcaglioni, L.; Agosteo, S.; Garlati, L.; Pola, A.; Klupak, V.; Viererbl, L.; Vins, M. and Marek, M., Study of the suitability of Fricke-gel-layer dosimeters for in-air measurements to characterize epithermal/thermal neutron beams for NCT, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 106, 21-27 (2015)
  • Gambarini, G.; Artuso, E.; Giove, D.; Volpe, L.; Agosteo, S.; Barcaglioni, L.; Campi, F.; Garlati, L.; Pola, A.; Durisi, E.; Borroni, M.; Carrara, M.; Klupak, V.; Marek, M.; Viererbl, L.; Vins, M. and d’Errico, F., Fricke-gel dosimetry in epithermal or thermal neutron beams of a research reactor, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 116, 21-27 (2015)
  • Antonelli, L.; Forestier-Colleoni, P.; Folpini, G.; Bouillaud, R.; Faenov, A.; Fedeli, L.; Fourment, C.; Giuffrida, L.; Hulin, S.; Pikuz, S.; Santos, J.J.; Volpe, L. and Batani, D., Measurement of reflectivity of spherically bent crystals using Kα signal from hot electrons produced by laser-matter interaction, Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (7), 073507 (2015)
  • Ciappina, M.F.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Landsman, A.S.; Zimmermann, T.; Lewenstein, M.; Roso, L., and Krausz, F., Carrier-Wave Rabi-Flopping Signatures in High-Order Harmonic Generation for Alkali Atoms, Physical Review Letters 114, 143902 (2015).
  • Ciappina, M.F.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Roso, L.; Zaïr, A. and Lewenstein, M., High-order harmonic generation driven by plasmonic fields: a new route towards the generation of UV and XUV photons?, Journal of Physics: Conference Serie 601, 012001 (2015)
  • Castellano-Hernández, E.; Han, X.; Rico, M.; Roso, L.; Cascales, C. and Zaldo, C., Mode-locked laser operation of Indium-modified Yb:KY(WO4)2 single crystal, Optics Express V. 23, Nº 9, 11135-11140 (2015)
  • Apiñaniz, J.I.; Peralta, A. and Martínez, R., Experimental observation of the ion energy spectra of Al, Co, and Cu laser produced plasmas, The European Physical Journal D, 69: 265, 265-272 (2015)
  • Antonelli, L.; Forestier-Colleoni, P.; Folpini, G. Bouillard, R.; Faenov, A.; Fourmet, C.; Giuffrida, L.; Hulin, S.; Pikuz, S.; Santos, J.J.; Volpe, L. and Batani, D., Measurement of reflectivity of spherically bent crystals using Kα signal from hot electrons produced by laser-matter interaction, Review of Scientific Instruments 86, 7, 073507 (2015)
  • Ciappina, M.F.; Pérez-Hernández, J.A.; Landsman, A.S.; Zimmermann, T.; Lewenstein, M.; Roso, L.; Krausz, F., Carrier-Wave Rabi-Flopping Signatures in High-Order Harmonic Generation for Alkali Atoms, Journal of Physics Conference Series 635, 092032 (2015)
  • Valle-Brozas, F.; Carpentier, A.V.; Salgado, C.; Apiñaniz, J.I.; Rico, M.; Sánchez Albaneda, M.; Álvarez, J.M.; Peralta-Conde, A. and Roso, L., Fuente de rayos X mediante láseres intensos: características y aplicaciones, Revista Española de Física 29, 3 (2015)
  • Popmintchev, D; Hernandez-Garcia, C; Dollar, F; Mancuso, C; Perez-Hernandez, JA; Chen, MC; Hankla, A; Gao, XH; Shim, B; Gaeta, AL; Tarazkar, M; Romanov, DA; Levis, RJ; Gaffney, Ultraviolet surprise: Efficient soft x-ray high-harmonic generation in multiply ionized plasmas, Science V. 350, Nº 6265, 1225-1231 (2015)