Status: Head of the Scientific División of the Spanish Centre for Pulsed Lasers (CLPU)
Topics Experience:
- Scientific/technological applications of lasers, optics and optoelectronics mainly applied to the particle accelerator fields of the last generation light sources (FELs).
- High Power Ultrafast Lasers with a special focus on novel particle acceleration techniques and advanced plasma based radiation sources.
- Electromagnetic fields, intense ultrafast lasers, radiation/matter interaction at high intensities
- Extensive use of different types pf conventional laser sources or particle based sources
- Dealing with optical systems and detectors going from IR, THz to YV wavelengths with experience also in X/y rays range.
- Planning/Design phase of experiments with studies of feasibility, implementation of experiments, measurements activity and data analysis.
- Experience in the full management of the activity of a high power (250 TW) laser laboratory.
- Participating to the proposal for delivering of a y-ray source to the ELI-NP pillar
- Experience in safety systems in collaboration with the radioprotection deparments.
- Participation in the design and dimensioing of an attenuator and a beam dump fpr the 200TW class laser and also for the PW laser VEGA at CLPU.