Download full CV – Presentation Letter
- Director of the CLPU – Laser Plasma Chair at the University of Salamanca (USAL)
- Responsible of the scientific research line at the Spanish Center for Pulsed Lasers (CLPU)
- Responsible of the Laser-Plasma Diagnostic develoopment program at CLPU
- Member of the scientific panel for user access at the VEGA system in CLPU (Access Committee)
Field of Research
Extreme intensity, ultra-short laser matter interaction, high energy physics, laser-driven particle and radiation sources, laser-plasma and laser-particle diagnostics, advanced HRR diagnostics, proton probing matter and plasmas, laser-plasma numerial methods (PIC, kinetic scheme and Mote Carlo codes). Laser-driven shocks and highly compressed materials, fast ignition scheme to inertial confinement approach to fusion.
Author of about 60 publications, 290 citations and h index 10
- 35 scientific papers published on refereed journals: Physicak Review Letters and PRA, PLasma Physics and Cont. Fusion, Physics of Plasmas, Nuclear Instr. and Method A, Laser Physics, Optics Comm.
- 25 papers in books of conference proceedings –all with peer review– (AIP, SPIE, NIMA, etc.)