Strategic Plan
The CLPU, Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS), thanks to its petawatt laser system VEGA, has a Strategic Plan that undergoes a rigorous external evaluation process and is periodically updated. The Plan devises the objectives and strategies for a four-year period and the resources allocated to their fulfillment. The Plan is framed within the main strands of work defined by the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research (PEICTI), the EU Research and Innovation Framework Program, and the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF), and the strategic lines and priorities contained in the Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation for an Intelligent Specialization (RIS3) of the Community of Castilla y León.
Annual Plan
The Annual Plan of Actions and Projects derives from the quadrennial Strategic Plan of the center. It includes the milestones reached, the economic scenario, and the actions and objectives planned for the achievement of the Consortium multi-annual goals. You can download the 2024 Annual Plan (in Spanish) here.