If you want to officially submit general applications and documents addressed to the Consortium of the Center for Pulsed Lasers (CLPU), you can do so through the Electronic Headquarters of the General State Administration (REG – AGE), in accordance with the provisions of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.

:: You can access the REG – AGE through the following link: Access to REG

:: To register documents or requests, you must have an electronic identification credential through one of the methods provided by the Cl@ve system, such as the electronic ID or electronic Certificate.

:: For searching for CLPU through REG – AGE, you can consult the following guide: Guía de búsqueda de organismos 


Code and name of the organization or entity:
EA0041152 – Consorcio para el Diseño, Construcción, Equipamiento y Explotación del Centro de Láseres Pulsados Ultracortos Ultraintensos