4th Laser-Plasma Summer School (LaPlaSS2021)
Experimental methods in high-intensity laser-plasma processes
27th September-1st October 2021
The Laser-Plasma Summer School -LAPLASS- is a specialized international event organized every year by the Spanish Center for Pulsed Lasers -CLPU- and the CLPU Laser-Plasma Chair at the University of Salamanca. Laser-driven plasma is the primary subject of investigation in modern high-power laser facilities. The Centro de Láseres Pulsados (CLPU) is one of the most representative facilities in this area operating a PW level system working at 1-10 Hz, VEGA. This system is already in operation and several experimental campaigns have been already run by different internationally recognized research groups. The combination of laser intensity, short duration, and repetition rate offered by VEGA pave the way for new existing possibilities for the next experimental campaigns but also represent a scientific and technological challenge for what concerns targetry and diagnostic techniques.
The fourth edition, titled ‘Experimental methods in High-Intensity Laser-Plasma processes’, will be supported by the European Project ‘IMPULSE‘, in which the CLPU participates.
The main objective of LAPLASS is to form students in the newly emerging field of Laser-Plasma Physics, and laser particle acceleration, which are both fields of investigation with deep relation with the ultrafast and ultraintense lasers as VEGA, at the Spanish Center for Pulsed Lasers. Indeed, high-power lasers such as VEGA can accelerate particle beams and create extreme plasmas. This field of research can generate improvements in many fields of research directly connected to civil applications among which few examples are: Ion beam for medical applications (proton therapy), Fast and resolved imaging for biology and material science, Laser fusion and Astrophysics, Cultural Heritage and material science applications.
These are the LAPLASS2021 most important data:
- The school is organized, such as last year, fully ONLINE by the Zoom platform due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, so there will be no restriction regarding the number of attendances.
- The school is open to MSc and Ph.D. students from Physics and related disciplines (i.e, engineering, material science…).
- There is NO FEE
- The deadline for registration is 22nd September 2021.
- The organization committee will deliver a certificate of participation
- A final exam is predicted for all the students through the CLPU Training Platform
- A final evaluation of the school performance will be asked to the students
Scientific & Didactic organization:
- Theory: 4 full mornings with 4 hours/day of lectures (16 hours)
- Practice: 3 afternoons with a series of specialized talks from CLPU team related to High-intensity and HRR experiments with emphasis on diagnostics and targetry
- Exchange: 2 PechaKucha sessions for students with short presentations and relative final discussion
Organizing Committee (click on each name to send an e-mail)
- Luca Volpe (Chair)
- Antonia Morabito (Co-Chair)
- Jon Apiñaniz (Co-Chair)
- Yaiza Cortés (Secretary)
- Maria Serena Rivetta (Evaluation Procedure)