The CLPU Laser-Plasma (LaPlas) Chair at the University of Salamanca (USAL) has been promoted by the CLPU Advisory Committee and created in 2014 by CLPU with the following goals:
- Promote and develop LAser-Plasma Physics at the University of Salamanca and in Spain
- Support the experimental activities run at VEGA, the CLPU petawatt laser system, by driving both national and international users community
The Director o the Chair is Dr. Luca Volpe
The main research lines of LaPlas are:
- High Power laser-driven particle acceleration
- Laser-Driven plasmas at extreme conditions
- Inertial Confinement approach to Fusion
- Laser-Plasma and particle beam diagnostic techniques
- Numerical simulations for Laser-Plasma processes
The LaPlas Chair organizes and supports several national and international activities among which:
- Master courses on Laser-Plasma Physics and related diagnostics (2ECT)
- PhD programs on Laser-PLasma Physics and applications
- A Laser-Plasma international Schools (LaPlaSS) annually in September (click here to take a look to LaPlaSS 2020)
The LaPlas is also involved in two master courses at the USAL:
- Máster Universitario en Física y Tecnología de los Láseres (2ECT)
- Retos Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología de Frontera (1 ECT)
LaPlas is involved in several European projects H2020 and ERASMUS+ and several experiments at the CLPU and at the laser laboratories and aborad that are periodically organized under the umbrella of the Chair.