The Spanish Pulsed Lasers Centre is a single-location-Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS by its Spanish initials), which belongs to the ICTS Map, currently in force, approved by the Scientific, Technological and Innovation Policy Board in October 7, 2014.
What does it mean? A Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure, it is a unique infrastructure, one of a kind experimental cutting-edge tool in Spain because of its equipments and services, useful for the R+D+I Spanish system, scientifically and technologically advanced, indispensable to reach some researches and/or some technological developments, so if it does not exist, there would be some limitation or loss of opportunities for the country; and whose construction and/or maintenance is imperative and strategic.
The ICTS are located throughout the country and are displayed on the “Map of Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS).” The first Map of ICTS was agreed upon at the III Conference of Presidents, held on 11th January 2007, and was prepared with the participation of the Autonomous Communities. The “Spanish Strategic of Science, Technology and Innovation 2013-2020”, approved by the Council of Ministers in February 2013, establishes that the ICTS Map is the long-term planning and development tool for these infrastructures in coordination with the CCAA. In accordance with this Strategy, the ICTS Map is updated every four years, being the Scientific, Technological and Innovation Policy Council (CPCTI) the competent body for its approval.
The first update was agreed at the CPCTI meeting on 7th October 2014 and has remained in effect until 6th November 2018, date on which the CPCTI has approved a new update for the period 2017-2020.)
For more information visit the ICTS webpage
Download the Book of Map of Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures