The Centro de Láseres Pulsados is a Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS by its Spanish initials)

The ICTS are infrastructures, resources, or services created to develop high-quality cutting-edge research and designed to transfer, change and preserve knowledge and technology, and boost innovation. Its three main features are these:

1.- The ICTS are publicly owned infrastructures, that is, they are owned or managed by public entities.

2.- They are unique, which means that they are one of a kind. They can be: large equipment that allows observing, analyzing, and interpreting phenomena of interest, complex experimentation infrastructures, large experimental infrastructures for engineering and for the development of new technologies, infrastructures necessary to facilitate the access of scientists to natural environments and technologies advanced that provide transversal support in all disciplines of science and technology.

3.-The ICTS are open to user competitive access from all the research community. The ICTS are located throughout the country and are displayed on the “Map of Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS).” The first update was agreed upon at the CPCTI meeting on 7th October 2014 and has remained in effect until 6th November 2018, the date on which the CPCTI has approved a new update for the period 2017-2020.

For more information visit this webpage

Download the Book of Map of Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (in Spanish)