17-21 September 2018
CLPU (Spain)


Ti:Sa CPA systems enable to reach High Laser Intensities at a relevant repetition rate opening the way to new possibilities for experiments in different field of physics. The Centro de Láserse Pulsados is entering now in the operational phase. Indeed after two succesful commisioning experiments, VEGA-2 system (200 TW) will host 7 experimental campaigns in 2018, leaded by several international recognised research groups.

The combination of laser intensity, short duration and repetition rate offered by VEGA pave the way for new exiting possibilities for the next experimental campaigns but also represent a scientific and technological challenge for what concern Targetry and Diagnostic Techniques. Within the European Scientific Community this problematic are well recognised and some dedicated project are starting in order to support the above mentioned issues. CLPU is actively participating to most of these projects. Just as example, CLPU was hosting in 2017 the 3rd Targetry Workshop and the Laserlab NEILS workshop, and in 2015 the Laserlab NAUL meeting. CLPU will also host one week of training LAser-Plas,a diagnostic in 2019 within an ERASMUS + project called PowerlaPs (High Power Laser Plasma Physics).

The school will be open to MSc and PhD students from Physics and related disciplines (i.e, engineering, material science…). The main goal is to train a new generation of researchers from Spain and from other Euorpean countris to enable them to make optimum use of laser facilities in novel applications. 

Registration deadline: 30th June 2018

IMPORTANT || All the scholarships have been already awarded

LaPlaSS has received funding from Laserlab Europe – The integrated Initiative of European laser research infrastructures

Starts: Monday, 17th Sep. 2018, 09:00
Ends: Friday, 21st Sep. 2018, 14:30


Bldg. M5 Science Park
c/ del Adaja, 8. 37185 Villamayor
Salamanca, SPAIN

Dr. Luca Volpe  Scholarship Application


Scholarship… The participation in LaPlaSS is not requiring any fee, so Laserlab Europe supports this CLPU Summer School based on Diagnotic techqniques for laser-plasma experiments at HRR.
Nevertheless, LaPlaSS offers 17 scholarships up to 400 € for undergraduate, MSs and PhD students from outside.