Salamanca. November 22nd to 24th, 2017

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22nd November

11.00 Coffee: Sponsored by LEYBOLD
11.30 Opening USTS 2017
11.40  PLENARY: John W. G. Tisch  
Imperial College London, (UK)
«Attosecond Science and Technology»
12.30  IT1: Fernando Martín, Universidad 
Autónoma de Madrid
Attochemistry: imaging and controlling electron dynamics in molecules”
13.00  Lunch
15.00  IT2: Asier Longarte, Universidad del País Vasco
“Ultrafast photoactivated molecular processes: from fundamentals to applications”
15.30  OT1: Elena Caballero, UCLM
15:30 “Unraveling the Photodynamics of a Dye Interacting with a Layered Structure Metal Organic Framework”
15.50  OT2: Rebeca de Nalda, IQFR‐CSIC
15:50 “Strong laser field control of fragment spatial distributions from a photodissociation reaction”
16.10   Coffee break: Sponsored by ADLER
16.40  IT3: Íñigo Sola, USAL
“Ultrashort pulse and beam tailoring for extreme ultraviolet beam generation control”
17.10  OT3: Manuel Blanco, USC
“Phase matching effects in high harmonic generation in nanoantennas”
17.30  OT4: Miguel Á. Porras, ETSIME‐UPM 
“The spatial map of the CEP of focused broadband pulses and its control”
17.50   Poster Session 
18.50  Asamblea GELUR