Salamanca, 7th-11th October 2013
[October 7th (Mon)]
9:00 – 9:30 | Opening Session: Tribute to the Honorary Co-chairs |
H. Kono (Tohoku University) D. Normand (CEA, Saclay) |
9:30 – 12:00 | Session I: Atoms and molecules in intense laser fields I |
Discussion Leader: H. Kono (Tohoku University) Invited speakers: A. Hishikawa (Nagoya University); F. Martin (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid); A. Bandrauk (University of Sherbrooke) |
12:00 – 12:30 | Coffee break |
12:30 -13:30 | Short presentations for poster papers >> List of poster presentations |
14:00 -15:00 | Lunch |
15:00 -17:30 | Session II: Laser plasma particle acceleration |
Discussion Leader: P. Martin (CEA, Saclay) Invited speakers:W. Leemans (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory); M. Borghesi (Queen’s University Belfast); J. Liu (SIOM) |
17:30 -18:00 | Coffee break |
18:00 -20:30 | Session III: Filamentation and related issues |
Discussion Leader: S. L. Chin (Laval University) Invited speakers: R. J. Levis (Temple University); A. Gaeta (Cornell University); A. Mysyrowicz (LOA, ENSTA) |
20:30 – | Cocktail reception at the Spanish-Japanese Cultural Center, the University of Salamanca |
[October 8th (Tue)] | |
9:00 – 11:30 | Session IV: High- order harmonics and attosecond pulse generation |
Discussion Leader: G. G. Paulus (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) Invited speakers: P. Salières (CEA, Saclay); C.H. Nam (GIST); A. Zair (Imperial College London) |
11:30 -12:00 | Coffee break |
12:00 -13:00 | Sponsors’ Session I |
13:00 -14:00 | Poster Session |
14:00 – 15:00 | Lunch |
15:30 -19:30 | Sponsors’ Session II & CLPU Lab Tour |
A parallel session of presentations and demonstrations from the following sponsor companies:
20:00-20:30 | Poster Session |
20 :30 – | Cocktail party and dinner sponsored by Amplitude Technologies |
[October 9th (Wed)] | |
9:00 – 11:00 | Session V: Biomedical applications of ultrashort intense laser science |
Discussion Leader: A. Giulietti (INO-CNR Pisa) Invited speakers: K. Kondo (JAEA); Y. Gauduel (LOA, ENSTA) |
11:00 – 11:30 | Coffee break |
11:30 -14:00 | Session VI: Solids and intense light field |
Discussion Leader: K. G. Nakamura (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Invited speakers: P. Hommelhoff (MPI of Quantum Optics); M. Stockman (Georgia State University); K. Onda (Tokyo Institute of Technology) |
14:00 – 15:00 | Lunch |
15:00 – | Free Discussion |
[October 10th (Thu)] | |
9:00 – 11:00 | Session VII: Advanced free electron laser sources in EUV and X-ray regions |
Discussion Leader: M. Yabashi (RIKEN SPring-8 Center) Invited speakers: W. White (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory); T. Tschentscher (European XFEL) |
11:00 -11:30 | Coffee break |
11:30 -13:30 | Session VIII: Dense matter states produced by short laser pulses |
Discussion Leader: D. Batani (University of Bordeaux) Invited speakers: H. Nishimura (ILE, Osaka University); M. Roth (University of Technology Darmstadt/GSI) |
13:30 -14:00 | Poster Session |
14:00 -15:00 | Lunch |
15:00 – 17:30 | Session IX: Atoms and molecules in intense laser fields II |
Discussion Leader: W. T. Hill (University of Maryland) Invited speakers:Y. Nabekawa (RIKEN); K.-M. Weitzel (Philipps University of Marburg) |
17:30 -19:00 | Poster Session |
19:30 – | Banquet |