EOS Biennial Meeting

The symposium is chaired by Prof. Paul Urbach, Technical University of Delft (TU Delft), and Stefan Bäumer, Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), and organized in co-operation with TU Delft, TNO, and the local EOS Branch society, PhotonicsNL. The meeting is co-sponsored by the ICO. The symposium includes several topical meetings, tutorials, workshops, industrial exhibition, and more. The Netherlands is the hot spot for photonics in Europe and the strong optics research and industry in Delft makes it a perfect location to hold the upcoming symposium.

Topical meetings (TOMS) in EOSAM 2018 include:

  • TOM 1. Silicon Photonics and Guided-Wave Optics
  • TOM 2. Freeform Optics
  • TOM 3. Optical System Design, Tolerancing, and Manufacturing
  • TOM 4. Bio-Medical Optics
  • TOM 5. Metamaterials, Plasmonics and Resonant Nanophotonics
  • TOM 6. Frontiers in Optical Metrology
  • TOM 7. Organic & Hybrid Semiconductor Materials and Devices
  • TOM 8. Adaptive Optics & Information driven optical systems
  • TOM 9. Optical tapered fibers for light manipulation on the nanoscale Industrial exhibition will be held alongside the symposium, as well as industrial poster session where companies are entitled to present their key technology competences to conference attendees. In addition there will be a session on dissemination of European projects, where results can be shared and displayed.


Important Dates:

  • Submission last day: 15 April 2018
  • Informing authors about acceptance: 30 May 2018
  • Detailed program: 30 July 2018 
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