Advanced School on Laser Applications at Accelerators

Lasers are crucial for the successful operation and continuous optimization of particle accelerators. To address this and to bring the laser and accelerator communities together LA³NET is organizing an advanced school on laser applications that is open for participants from within and outside the network.

This international School will develop the topics covered in the introductory level School held at GANIL in 2012, building to a more advanced level of understanding.

Renowned lecturers from outside the network will be engaged to complement partner expertise to cover topics such as: 

  • Introduction to lasers, accelerators and FELs 
  • Laser ion, electron and x-ray sources, 
  • Laser acceleration, 
  • Laser based beam diagnostics,  
  • Industrial applications. 

In addition to the lectures there will be study groups, a poster session with industry displays, an interactive panel session and evening seminars including outreach. There will also be opportunities for discussion and networking during a tour of the CLPU facilities and at evening events. The school will be hosted by the Centre for Ultrashort Ultraintense Pulsed Lasers (CLPU), held at the University of Salamanca and organized by the LA³NET consortium.

Laserlab Europe is supporting the school including sponsorship of the tour of CLPU facilities.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 289191.

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