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Laser Plasma Summer School 2020

3rd Laser-Plasma Summer School (LaPlaSS_3)
Experimental methods in high-intensity laser-plasma processes

14th-18th September 2020


The third edition of the Laser-Plasma Summer School (LAPLASS_3), organized by the Centro de Láseres Pulsados and the Laser-Plasma Chair at the University of Salamanca, will be held ONLINE in September 2020, from 14 to 18, with the topic ‘Experimental methods in high-intensity Laser-Plasma processes’. LaPlaSS was born by the collaboration between CLPU and Laserlab-Europe and in this third edition, the European Initiative is still supporting the school through the poster prize (300€). International experts from the EU and abroad will support the school with dedicated lessons around three main topics:

  • Particle acceleration and diagnostics
  • Laser-Plasma applications
  • Laser-Fusion and extreme state of matter
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