47th Conference on Plasma Physics – Satellite Meeting
28th – 29th June 2021, Online
High Field laser-plasma interaction (HIFI)
& Laser-driven particle and radiation sources for application (LASA)
It is a pleasure to announce that a special issue of ‘High Fields and Particle Acceleration with High Power Lasers‘ featuring invited contributions from selected speakers will be published in PPCF
The manuscrip submission deadline is 31 October 2021. The special issue will be published incrementally, with all published articles collected together on a dedicated special issue page at PPCF. This means that articles submitted earlier will be published as soon as they are accepted and prepared for publication, without being delayed waiting for other papers in the collection.
The quality and formatting requeriments for special issue articles are the same as for regular submissions to PPCF. For details of preparations and submission guidelines, please visit IOP Publishing Support.
IOP Publishing will manage the peer-review of the special issue in-house. All contributions should be submitted via PPCF online submissions system. Please select article type «Special Issue Article» and special issue titel «Special Issue on High Fields and Paticle Acceleration with High Power Lasers 2021»
CONTACT: lvolpe@clpu.es