Towards a Laser-Plasma Spanish Community
(01-02 October 2020)
Thursday 1st October |
13:30 – 15:30 |
- Welcome to the VI CLPU Users Meeting (PICTURE)
- Luis Roso (Director of CLPU): The CLPU and the user access
- Luca Volpe (Director of the CLPU Laser-Plasma Chair at USAL): Introduction to the VI CLPU Users Meeting
- Kazuo A. Tanaka (Scientific Director of ELI-NP): Laser & Experimental Status at ELI-NP in Romania
- Sylvie Jacquemot (Coordinator of Laserlab EU): The Laserlab-Europe Network
- Felicie Albert (Chair of the LaserNetUS): LaserNetUS, a new network of high power laser facilities in the US for groundbreaking science
15:30 – 16:30 |
User Reports I
- Matteo Passoni (Politécnico di Milano): Laser-driven secondary sources for material science application
- Wendell T. Hill III (University of Maryland): Relativistic Thomson Scattering based-vacuum Gauge
- Dino Jaroszynski (University of Strathclyde): Electron sources from PW laser (high charge THz)
16:30 – 16:50 |
16:50 – 18:10 |
Talks from Spain I
- Maite Flores (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela):TW-Class laser at the University of Santiago
- Carlos Hidalgo (CIEMAT): Towards a fusion reactor: integration of physics & technology & synergetic effects
- Ricardo Florido (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria): Atomic spectroscopy in Laser-Plasma experiments
- Jorge Quereda Bernabeu (USAL – NANOLAB): Photocurrent spectroscopy in two-dimensional semiconductors
- Pedro Velarde (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid): R&D in laser fusion & materials & related areas at IFN-GV
18:10 – 19:30 |
Round Table [Moderators: Robert Fedosejevs (University of Alberta) & Malte Kaluza (University of Jena)] |
Friday 2nd October |
08:30 – 10:00 |
- Luca Volpe (Director of the CLPU Laser-Plasma Chair at USAL): The CLPU Laser-Plasma Chair, past, present and future
- Allen Weeks (General Director of ELI-DC): The ELI Delivery Consortium
- Federico Canova (Manager for Scientific and Technical coordination of ELI-DC): The ELI pilars in EU
- Cruz Méndez (Head of the Technical Division of the CLPU): The laser VEGA
- Luis Roso (Director of CLPU): Laser-driven neutron sources
10:00 – 11:00 |
User Reports II
- Luca Volpe (CLPU-USAL): Stopping power measurements of energy-selected ions in a moderately coupled and degenerate plasmas
- Joao J. Santos (Univerisity of Bourdeaux): Ion acceleration by ultra-intense laser interaction with a high-density gas jet
- Yasunobu Arikawa (University of Osaka): Study for an efficient repetitive neutron generation via laser-driven photonuclear reaction
11:00 – 11:20 |
11:20 – 12:40 |
Talks from Spain II
- Luis Bañares (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): Ultrafast XUV-IR induced photodynamics in polyatomic cations
- Antonio Rivera (Instituto de Fusión Nuclear): Modification of plasmonic nanoparticles with laser pulses
- Jens Bieger (ICFO): Electronic & Lattice Dynamics from Attosecond X-ray Spectroscopy
- Wojciech Gawelda (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid – IMDEA – Nano Science): Observing coherent atomic motions with ultrafast X-ray spectroscopies & scattering
- Pablo Cirrone (National Institute of Nuclear Fusion Catania Laboratories): Status of the ELIMAIA/ELIMED beamline & its dosimetric diagnostic
12:40 – 14:00 |
Round Table [Moderators: Javier Honrubia (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) & Javier Solís (Instituto de Óptica -CSIC-)] |