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3rd Laser-Plasma Summer School (LAPLASS_3)
Experimental methods in high-intensity laser-plasma processes

14th-18th September 2020


These are the WINNERS of the Pecha Lucha Contest:

Óscar Löfgen Amaro (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa): Optimal laser focusing for positron production in laser electron scattering

Stefan Assenbaum (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf): Characterization of cryogenic hydrogen jet target for Laser Proton Acceleration  

Valeria Ospina Bohorquez (University of Bordeaux): Near critical plasmas from supersonic gas jets for laser-driven ion acceleration 


Each student will have 7 minutes to present his/her research. This is the order of intervention per day:


Tuesday 15th     [Pecha Kucha (I)]

Thursday 17th.   [Pecha Kucha (II)]

Friday 18th.   [Pecha Kucha (III)]