He is a Plasma Physics scientist, specialized in Laser-Produced Plasmas, who moved to the Scientific Area of CLPU in July 2013. His main role in the Centre is the design and construction of target areas (laser/target interaction zones as well as detection and data acquisition systems). His main research interests are: Laser/Plasma interaction mechanisms, Plasma dynamics, particle acceleration with TeraWatt/PetaWatt femtosecond lasers, Spectroscopy and Atomic Physics.
He received his Degree at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 2005 and his PhD Thesis “Study of ion formation and acceleration processes in Laser Produced Plasmas” at the Chemical Physics Department of the same university in 2012. Post-doc researcher at the University of the Basque Country developing novel applications of the experimental setup used in his thesis (January 2013-April 2013); He is trained in Laser Physics and Laser manipulation, specially high intensity nanosecond and femtosecond pulsed lasers.
Full LinkedIn profile (with publications) here. Google Scholar profile here.