CLPU was born to be the Spanish facility at the forefront in the field of ultra-intense ultra-short pulsed lasers, which could meet the demand of the scientific, technological and industrial community to develop frontier research and projects, through a policy of competitive open access. The in-house scientific expertise would guarantee a cutting-edge top-quality service, working side by side with users from all over the world, while also pursuing its own experimental challenges.
We intend to direct the future of the CLPU towards a resilient infrastructure of expertise, able to successfully address immediate challenges such as scientific and technological excellence, digital transformation, internationalization, and sustainable development.
CLPU Purpose
The Spanish Center for Pulsed Lasers was established in December 2007 as a Consortium composed of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (former Ministry of Science and Education), the Regional Government of Castilla y León, and the University of Salamanca. Its main goals are: to design, build and operate a Petawatt laser in Salamanca; to develop ultrashort pulses technology in Spain; to make important advances in laser technology; to promote the use of this technology in several fields as Physics, Engineering, Biology, Medicine…, and to open the facility to the national and international scientific community. As a Consortium, the CLPU has a specific structure that you can consult here.