Present Director of the Spanish Center for Pulsed Lasers –CLPU– since september 2008, and promotor of its creation. The CLPU is the national unique scientific and technological infrastructure (ICTS) specialized in femtosecond laser pulses with high peak powers. CLPU’s main laser system is VEGA, the Spanish PW (30J/30fs at one shot per second) opened to the domestic and international scientific community through a competitive access mechanism.
- Graduate in Physics and Mathematics in 1977 (simultaneously) at the Universitat de Barcelona
- PhD in Physics at Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona in 1982. Thesis on Saturation Laser Spectroscopy under the advise of Prof. Ramón Corbalán.
- Assistant Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona from 1985 to 1991.
- Visiting Scholar at the University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, in 1985/86, at the time where Chirped Pulse Amplification technology was developed. His interests on ultraintense lasers comes from those old times at Rochester. Luis Roso was working in a theory team very close to G. Mourou’s team with strong field photoionization simulations.
- Catedrático (Full Professor) at the Universidad de Salamanca from 1991. He has established there a stable recognized research group on ultraintense lasers.
- Coordinator of the Consolider Project CSD2007-0013, Science and Applications of Ultrafast Ultraintense Lasers, 2007-2013, the Spanish initiative on ultrafast ultraintense lasers. IP of several regional, national and international projects, that now continues as a GELUR, a Specialized Group of Ultrafast Lasers within the Spanish Royal Society for Physics. Luis Roso is Vice-President of this specialized group.
- Member of the team in charge of the Spanish White Book for the European convergence of the Physics Degree studies (2004).
- Expert of the ESFRI European Commission in High Power Lasers (2004-2006).
- Member of the International Council of the Optical Society of America (2007-2009)
- Past Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of CILEX-APOLLON (France).
- Coordinator of the Spanish participation in ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) during the Preparatory Phase.
- Member of the International Committee on Intense Laser Science (ICILS) since 2008.
- IP of the Salamanca participation at LaserLab Europe, a network of all relevant European laboratories.
- Member of the ELI-IMPULSE Governing Board, since 2020
- Author/co-author of more than 200 peer review papers
- Chairman or co-chairman of more than 20 international conferences.
- Prize María de Maeztu on Excellence in Research (2012)
- Corresponding Academician of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences (RACAB) of Barcelona (since 2020)
Full CV here