Attosecond Physics

20 August 2013

The dynamic of an electron in an atom or molecule subjected to a strong laser field (1014–1015 W/cm2) is dominated by the light field oscillation. Tunnel ionization and electron recollision cause the emission of high-order harmonics, scattered electrons or multiple ionization in less than a laser cycle. Therefore, any measurement based on these processes has a potential attosecond time resolution. Moreover, high-order harmonic generation (HHG) provides a unique source of coherent XUV radiation in the form of ultrafast (attosecond) pulses. The CLPU provides facilities to XUV beamline experiments, and its specialized scientific and technical staff develops theoretical works about this laser science field: models for the full description of HHG; new routes to generate coherent high energetic radiation means HHG beyond the water window; multiple ionization in atoms and molecules, QSPIDER – a novel experimental scheme – …
