
Liyi Gu [RIKEN, Japan]
Modeling astrophysical plasmas – databases, codes and uncertaines

Andrea Murari [Consorcio RFX, Italy]
Improving Tokamaks’ diagnostic capability for better disruption prediction in metallic machines with a view on future devices

Tat Loon Chng [Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas Ecole Polytechnique, France]
Electric Field measurements in low temperature plasmas using E-FISH diagnostic

Sam Vinko [Univeristy of Oxford, UK]
Automation, optimization and machine learning in modern plasma diagnostics


Invited Talks

Beam Plasmas and Inertial Fusion (BPIF)

Sergey Pikuz [JIHT RAS Moscow, Russia]
X-ray spectra diagnostics on warm and hot solid-density plasma created by direct and indirect impact of sub-PW picosecond laser pulses

Chris Arran [University of York, UK]
Direct measurements of the Nernst Effect

Guo-Qian Liao  [Institue of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science , China]
THz laser plasma diagnostics

Katerina Falk [Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany]
Experimental methods for warm dense matter research

Sophia Malko [Centro de Láseres Pulsados -CLPU-, Spain]
Experimental campaign performed at CLPU where proton stopping power in WDM was measured at HRR

Louise Willingale [University of Michigan, USA]
Use of proton radiography in measuring field reconstruction during magnetic reconnection

Magnetic Confinement Fusion (MCF)

Bernd Kurzan [IPP-Garching, Germany]
Design and first measurements of the divertor Thomson scattering system on ASDEX Upgrade

Salvatore Almaviva [ENEA FSN-TECFIS, Italy]
Laser-induced-breakdown-spectroscopy as innovative and reliable diagnostics of fusionistic interest for a real-time in-situ characterization of plasma facing components

Dorothea Gradic [IPP-Greifswald, Germany]
Coherence imaging measurements of ion temperatures in the scrape-off-layer of Wendelstein 7-X

Galen Burke [IUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, USA]
Pedestal magnetic field fluctuation measurements using the spatial heterodyne spectrometer on DIII-D

Joao Figueiredo [EUROfusion & IST, Portugal]
Diagnostic capabilities for DT Scientific Campaigns in JET

C. Zhou [University of Science and Technology of China, China]
Multi-channel turbulence diagnostics for stationary I-mode in EAST tokamak

W. W. Heidbrink [UC Irvine, USA]
Fast-ion D-alpha (FIDA) measurements of the fast-ion distribution function

Low-Temperature and Industrial Plasmas (LTIP)

Adam Obrusnik [Masary University Brno and PlasmaSolve s.r.o., Czech Republic]
Improving the accuracy of diagnostic methods through synergy with modeling, sensitivity analysis, and uncertainty quantification

David Pai [Institut P’Prime, France]
In situ Raman spectroscopy at plasma/water interface for nanoparticles synthesis

Ana Sobota [Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands]
Insitu diagnostics of atmospheric pressure plasma interaction with the surface

Luca Matteo Martini [University of Trento, Italy]
Time-resolved optical spectroscopy of nanosecond pulsed discharges

Basic and Astrophysical Plasmas (BAP)

Javier García [CALTECH, USA]
The use of line profiles for reflected Fe-K emission to determine the properties of a black hole

Oral Talks

Golo Fuchert – MCF- [Max-Plack Institüt Plasmaphysik, Germany].

A novel technique for an alignment-insensitive density calibration of Thomson

Giuseppe Torrisi – MCF- [Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy].

Microwave diagnostics tools for compact plasma traps and beyond

Haiqing Liu – MCF- [Institute of Plasma Physics, China].

Design of a multi-channel polarimeter interferometer system for EAST using Terahertz… 

Ryan Albosta – MCF- [University of Madison, USA].

New high-speed spectrometer system for photon-starved applications at HSX

Sina Jahanbakhsh – MCF- [Max-Plack Institüt Plasmaphysik, Germany]

Preliminary test results of final bolometer sensor prototypes for ITER

Martina Salvadori – BPIF- [Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, Italy]

High-sensitivity ten-of-MeV ion diagnostics by a large-area diamond detector for time-of-flight schemes in petawatt

Fabrizio Consoli – BPIF- [ENEA. Italy]

Electromagnetic pulses in experiments on high-energy and high-power laser facilities

Roger Hutton – BAP [Fudan University, China]

Magnetic induced transitions in VUV spectra of fusion plasmas

Johannes Hornung – BPIF- [GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Germany]

Preliminary test results of final bolometer sensor prototypes for ITER

Gabriel Pérez Callejo –BPIF- [University of Bordeaux, France]

Spectroscopic modelling of highly magnetized cylindrical implosion

Matthew P. Selwood –BPIF- [University of York, United Kingdom]

Spectroscopic modelling of highly magnetized cylindrical implosion

Constantine Bernert –BPIF- [HZDR, Germany]

Off-harmonic optical probing of high-intensity laser interaction with solid-density cryogenic

Valeriia Istokskaia –BPIF- [ELI Beamlines, Czechia]

Scintillator-based calorimeter for laser-plasma characterization 

Florian Penzel –MCF- [Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik, Germany]

Final design of the ITER bolometer first plasma component: cable installation template 

 Zhongjing Chen –BPIF- [Laser Fusion Research Center, CAEP]

The preliminary results of neutron imaging system in the exploded implosion

Marine Huault –BPIF- [Centro de Láseres Pulsados, Spain] 

A 2D scintillator-based proton detector for high repetition rate experiments

María de los Ángeles Millán Callado –BPIF- [Universidad de Sevilla, Spain]

Neutron and charged particle detectors tests with laser-driven neutron beams at DRACO fur nuclear physics experiments

Monika Kubkowska –MCF- [Institut of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion] 

Intensity calibration and reduction of pile-up effect in PHA spectra measurements at W7-X

Filipe da Silva –MCF- [Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear, Portugal]

 Benchmarking 2D against 3D FDTD codes for the assessment of the measurement performance of a low field side plasma position

Alex Puig –MCF- [Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik, Germany]

Real-time detection of overloads on the plasma-facing components of W7-X

Ruihai Tong –MCF- [Southwestern Institut of Physics, China]

Design of the cross-polarization scattering diagnostic on HL-2A

Petr Bilek–LTIP- [Institut of Plasma Physics, Czech Rep.] 

Radiation characteristics observed at the initial stage of nanosecond discharge in liquid water

Davide Rigamonti –MCF- [Institut of Plasma Science and Technology, CNR]

State of the art of neutron diagnostics for JET DT plasmas and prospects for ITER

Amelia Chambon –MCF- [DTU Physics] 

Assessment of shutdown dose rate in the ITER collective Thomson scattering system and in equatorial port plug 12

Kevin Verhaegh –MCF- [Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, United Kingdom]

 Inferring the role of plasma-atom and molecule interactions during divertor power exhaust

Daniel Hachmeister –MCF- [Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear, Portugal]

The impact of inverted density gradients on density profiles measured by reflectometry

Guoliang Xiao –MCF- [Southwestern Institut of Physics, China]

Molecular beam in the low-density tokamak fuelling enviro

Benjamin Saute –MCF- [TELOPS, Canada] 

Absolute temperature and emissivity determination of heated materials using multispectral IR imaging and N-color test image