Internships (Prácticas Curriculares)
A series of topics are offered by CLPU and supported by the LaPlas for students Internships. The internship at CLPU is structured in three blocks:
- A first formation in the Experimental methods for High-Intensity Laser-Plasma processes
- Participation in an experimental activity related to VEGA and or targetry and diagnostics
- Involvement in the analysis of experimental data
Each of the students will be supervised by one senior and supported by CLPU team for the period he/she will spend at the CLPU.
The number of credits can vary depending on the defined job even if we recommend a minimum of 9 ECTS.
Numerical oriented topics are also possible where the part of the analysis of the data is more important than the others.
Bachelor and Master Thesis
LaPlas offers different possible research lines for Bachelor and Master Thesis. It is preferable to contact directly with the Director of the Chair, Luca Volpe, to decide the possible topics. At the bottom a list of possible lines.
Ph.D. at USAL
The Laser-Plasma Chair participates to both the Ph.D. programs:
- DO12 – Fisica Aplicada y Tecnología (R.D. 99/2011)
- DO13 – Física Fundamental y Matemáticas (R.D. 99/2011)
At the moment 5 Ph.D. students are involved in Ph.D. programs with LaPlas. The Ph.D. themes are connected with the research lines carried on by the Chair and by the CLPU in collaboration with the applied and theoretical Physics departments at the University of Salamanca (see for example the list of possible lines at the bottom).
LaPlas Ph.D. programs offer possibilities of International collaboration with the main laboratories and research centers in the EU and abroad.
List of possible lines of research
- Laser-Particle and Radiation Acceleration
- Warm dense matter and high-energy Physics
- Laser-Fusion
- Advanced methods for:
- Targetry
- Diagnostics
- Numerical Simulations (Kinetics and Monte Carlo Methods)
- Multy body theory for Laser-Plasma Physics